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Attention Children!!

(Ages Pre-School to 6th Grade)

Children's Choir Practice will resume Sunday's @4:00 - 5:00pm

We will begin practicing special music for Easter!

We hope to see all of you.

Cynthia Cater - Children's Director





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Children's Christmas Musical 2024


Experiencing a Revolution

From the Desk of the Pastor.....

     Recently I preached a series of three sermons about experiencing a revolution in 2025 regarding our walk with the Lord and in living the Christian life.  Sometimes we need to break free from the past and make a determination to change the way we think, act, and live brought about by developing a deeper love for God, a more committed personal walk with Jesus our Lord, a greater sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and His presence within us, and consistently living out the truth of the Word of God.

     Let me give you 5 important keys to bringing about the kind of change we need in our personal walk with the Lord:

     1.  Find you greatest joy in life in your relationship with Jesus Christ.

     2.  Be devoted to being a person of prayer.

     3.  Cultivate an attitude of gratitude to God.

     4.  Yield your will in submitting your life to the Holy Spirit of God.

     5.  Reverence God's Word with a commitment to obey it.  

     Incorporating these 5 keys into our lives will reignite our passion and enthusiasm in our walk with the Lord, our worship, our fellowship, and our witness for Christ.

     Remember, be faithful in following and fulfilling your One Word from God for 2025.  Even if you have gotten off track or failed in some way, don't be discouraged.  Remember, we have an adversary who desires to derail any and every attempt we have in moving forward in our faith.  So, be watchful and prayerful, and stay committed to your One Word.  Keep it going!!

     Philippians 3:12-14 - Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.  Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Bro. Marty

V.B.S. Workers Needed

We would like to get a head start with V.B.S. this year.  The dates are Sunday, June 1st - Thursday, June 5th.  It will be in the evening time.  Please sign up for the class you are interested in working with as soon as possible.  We will need to turn in the registration information ASAP.  Thank you for all you do for the children in our church!

Cynthia Cater, Children's Director



  • Church Wide Fellowship in GYM Sunday 3/30/25

  • Deacon's Meeting 3/23/25 @2:00PM Room 304

  • The Lord's Supper 4/13/25 10:45AM

  • Easter Sunday 4/20/25

  • Graduate Sunday 5/4/25 (Tentative)

  • Mother's Day Sunday 5/11/25

  • Men's Monday Night Bible Study - Fellowship Hall @6:00PM

    We are beginning a new study Monday, March 24, 2025 entitled "Thirty Amazing People in the Bible - Volume 1" by Dr. David Jeremiah.  This study will continue for approximately 30 weeks.  Please consider joining us as we begin this study of God's Word.  We have an average attendance of 15-20 men each week from 4-5 different churches in our area.

    Class Leader - Glenn Robertson

  • Ladies Monday Night Bible Study- Ruth @5:45PM Rm.305

    The Ladies Study of Ruth - Romance and Redemption, began Monday night, February 17, 2025, and continue for the next 10 weeks.  Come join together with other sisters in Christ to study God's Word.  We are studying  "Ruth" by Dr. David Jeremiah.  See you soon!

    Jane Newsom - Class Leader

    P.S.  Ruth is the story of a young bereaved Moabite woman, her widowed Jewish mother-in-law, and their journey together from poverty to redemption.  

  • Children's Church Workers Schedule

    Children's Church Workers Schedule 2024

    (Children's Church is for K-4th Grade ONLY)   

    • 3/23 - Ashley Neal
    • 3/30 - Emma Newsom
    • 4/6 - Patsy Warford
    • 4/13 - Fran Barnette
    • 4/20 - Easter Sunday - (No Children's Church)
    • 4/27 - Tammi Mills